The Programme

Library and Information Science (LIS) is perhaps the most flexible field of study, due to its adaptability to technological and social changes. In the most beautiful institute of ELTE’s Faculty of Humanities, students are able to master both the theory and practice of LIS through internships, visits to institutions, international programmes (such as Erasmus) as well as professional and recreational programmes.

The programme’s interdisciplinary nature allows students to explore numerous exciting scientific fields. By both cherishing and complementing the traditions of the ELTE Faculty of Humanities, students gain proficiency in the following aspects depending on their field of interest:

– All aspects of the written heritage, from codices and old printed materials to the publishing industry today;

– The importance of communication channels, from the early years of the press through the golden era of electronic communications to digital media;

– Knowledge repositories and databases, research and information services;

– Knowledge systemisation with the philosophical and epistemological questions of classification, cataloguing and meta data;

– Information technology, digitisation, database building;

– Online presence and social networks;

– The principles of management, business and law.

Founded in 1949, Hungary’s first Library and Information Science university course can draw on more than seven decades of experience as well as its unique national and international network to develop its educational programme.

We are the only place to offer a full range of library and information science courses:

- BA in Library and Information Science, with two specialisations (library history, information and knowledge management);

- MA in Library and Information Science;

- Librarian Teacher Training (OTAK);

- Short-cycle Librarian Teacher Training (RTAK);

- Bachelor of Music, Culture specialisation in music librarianship;

- Doctorate in Library Studies (PhD).